BUNDLE DEAL - 15% off on any mix of jersey, jacket and bib tight from FW24

BUNDLE DEAL - 15% off on any mix of jersey, jacket and bib tight from FW24


Winter Warrior 2020 Campaign

During the first wave of Covid-19 a lot of people (re)discovered cycling and the benefits it has on their physical and mental wellbeing. We saw people of all ages stopping by in the store, telling us how riding bikes kept them sane during the first lock down. Cycling was easy then, the sun was out and temperatures were nice in Belgium.


Getting you through a lockdown-winter

With winter at our doorstep and a second wave of a worldwide pandemic, we want to connect with our community and give something back after the huge support we have received from you the past months. The days are getting shorter, and it can be cold and rainy outside. Finding the motivation to keep on cycling is a bit more challenging now. And that’s where we want to help!



Our #winterwarrior2020 campaign brings the effect that cycling has on mental health under the attention, and wants to motivate you to keep cycling throughout winter.

Between December 1st and January 15th we’ll tell the story of three of our Winter Warriors. People whom the Covid-19 virus has personally affected and who find comfort and strength in riding their bikes. Meet Johan, one of our Winter Warriors.



What else can you expect?

Sharing our best routes with you

Our team members will set a good example during the darkest time of year. From the first week of December, we will share at least one GPX track per week of a beautiful ride we’ve done the week before. You will find all the GPX files at the bottom of this blog post. We’ll add a new one every week. Make sure you follow us on social media; we’ll share pictures of the highlights of the routes there.


Online rides and workouts

Although fighting the elements can be very satisfying - and is, in our opinion, the best way to completely empty your thoughts - riding outside when it’s rainy or cold doesn’t always feel as heroic as it looks. That is why we’ll also provide some virtual indoor gatherings for those who prefer to ride inside, or who are not allowed to cycle outside anymore. We’ll organize a weekly Peloton de Paris social ride on Zwift, which you can join followed by an online cooldown stretching session for cyclists.


The Challenge

A little incentive to keep morale high when the going gets tough can help to stay motivated. That is why we offer an exclusive Winter Warrior (iron-on) patch and a 25 EUR Peloton de Paris gift voucher, for anyone who rides 1000 km between December 1st 2020 and January 15th 2021. * Send us an email at hello@pelotondeparis.cc when you completed the challenge together with a proof of your mileage. A screenshot of your Strava records will do, but any other proof you have will do the job.

Don’t forget to share your indoor and outdoor adventures on social media with the hashtag #winterwarrior2020 and say ‘hi’ on your ride!


* Gift voucher only valid on Peloton de Paris apparel. Minimum purchase amount of 50 EUR required. Cannot be combined with other discounts. Voucher valid until February 28th.


How to participate?

ZWIFT - virtual social ride
Every Wednesday evening from 8.30 p.m. - 9.30 p.m. CET
Connect with Peloton de Paris and you will receive your invite in the Zwift Companion app.

We added some screenshots of the Zwift Companion app for detailed instructions on how to follow us on Zwift.

Once you start following us we will send you an invite to join our ride. You will find the invite in your notifications in the Zwift app.


ZOOM - online stretching
Cool down stretching session, subsequently to the Zwift ride, starting at 9.30 p.m. CET, and hosted by Mascha from Super Body Coaching.

This session will focus on the entire body. Neck, shoulders, arms and wrists will get extra attention while we will control our breathing. The entry level exercises are simple but powerful. Not only will this benefit your flexibility and mobility, after completing this session you will be totally relaxed. All you need is a mat and a towel.

You can enter the session via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87835115444?pwd=SEUzVDNPVmJaQnNXaFlwT0kwc2JuZz09

Meeting ID: 878 3511 5444
Passcode: 266210

If you don't have a Zoom account yet, you will need to create a free account first to be able to join the meeting. 


GPX Files

Ride 1: Durbuy - La Roche - Durbuy
Download the GPX file

Ride 2: Leuven - Chaumont - Gistoux
Download the GPX file

Ride 3: Mechelen-Steenokkerzeel-Mechelen 

Download the GPX file

Ride 4:Tokyo edition by Shimizu-San from Lovecyclist.me 

Download the GPX file

Ride 5: 


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